Hongkong downtown's scyscrapers at night, seen from a distance.
# Hongkong as seen from the Victoria Peak. We struggled to find a good viewpoint, it was overflowing with gizillion tourists, but it was worth it.
A view of a muliti-lane street as seen from the over-the-street pedestrian crossing.
# One of the countless, over-the-street pedestrian crossings in Hongkong. This particular one is located close to the piers on the Hongkong Island.
Four woman playing a tabletop game in some kind of a workshop or a store.
# Women at play. I think it was Mahjongg. We often saw people playing on the streets, either Mahjongg, or card games. Sometimes even for money. Hongkong.
A man unloading large buckets from a cart on a narrow alley full of pipes and AC units.
# Back side of the city. No glass or polished steel, like on a facades of so many modern skyscrapers, just pipes, wires, air conditioners, supplies. The old way. Hongkong.
A semi-trailer with both left and right side cargo doors open. Inside a man unloads food.
# Hongkong Island.
Few young men taking a break from unloading a truck.
# Midday break.
People walking in a pedestrian tunnel.
# Pedestrians.
Man in the back door talking on a phone.
Three people and their reflections in a glass wall, making an illusion of six people.
# A crowd.
A narrow street seen from the above with a lot of pipes, AC units etc.
# One of the streets seen from the central mid-level escalator system. It's the unorthodox, 800 meters long set of elevators designed to move people between apartments on hills, and business center on the Hongkong Island, saving them a lot of traffic jams.
A window with a sign below that reads "Bonham Strand". Several suits are seen throgh a window and a man working on one of them.
# I have never went inside, but I am fairly confident they can make an excellent suite.
Several AC units on a back of the building in a narrow alley.
# Hongkong is a hot and humid place. Having an AC is a must.
A pier and cityscape seen thorough a silhouette of a silhouette of a window.
# Kowloon seen from one of the piers on the Hongkong island.
Closeup of several skyscrapers.
# Hongkong.
A Buddha statue in a forest.
# View at the feet of Tian Tan Buddha on the Lantau Island, Hongkong.
Tall buildings seen in between two elevated roads.
# Hongkong.