Kamil Leszczuk



  1. Vertex (Taxamo) 2020 - current

    Working on a tax liability and tax rates engine and web services. I'm also creating supporting web applications and proof of concepts. Starting in 2023, I took on a role of a dev team leader.

  2. Raiffeisen Bank International 2022 - 2023

    Worked on a backend for loan management system. It was an event sourcing system implemented as microservices.

  3. Aviso (Fexco) 2014 - 2020

    Led development of web applications for two payment switches. One has been written in ClojureScript and Reagent, with a Clojure backend. The other in Javascript and Vue.js (with ClojureScript backend on GCP).

  4. Deutsche Telekom 2014 - 2015

    Worked with Mozilla and DT's Innovation Laboratories on Firefox OS's NFC subsystem.

  5. T-Mobile 2010 - 2014

    Worked in the innovation team developing proof-of-concepts and driving innovation at T-Mobile. Important public projects conducted include Open API, Freeyah, Firefox OS deployment.

  6. Prior to that I worked as a packet core specialist for T-Mobile (2009-2010); software developer for Orange (2008); translator for Polimex-Mostostal (2007, summer job); frontend developer for Siedlce City Museum and Cultural Center (2004-2005, high school job).



Reagent (React), RWD, Vue.js, Cypress.io, Web performance
Also: Ramda, Basic UI/UX design, Accessibility, Lit


AWS (DynamoDB, SQS, S3, Lambdas, etc.), PostgreSQL
Also: Ring, Compojure, Datomic, AppEngine/Go


Clojure, ClojureScript, HTML, CSS, Javascript
Also: Bash, ReasonML


Statecharts (XState)
Also: Microservices architecture, Event sourcing


Warsaw University of Technology, 2005 - 2011

Graduated summa cum laude with MSc in "Systems and Networks" with a second speciality in "ICT and Management in Telecommunications". MSc thesis on PaaS; BSc thesis on IP Multimedia Subsystem.

Trainings & Courses

iOS Development (2014), MongoDB for Node.js Developers (2013), MongoDB for DBA's (2013), TDD (2013), Red Hat Certified Engineer - RHCE (2012), Red Hat Certified System Administrator - RHCSA (2012).


Photography (especially on film) and travel. Both are documented on my personal website. Long distance running (in a record 2021 I ran over 3200 km). Prose of postmodernism (J. L. Borges is one of my favourites).