A dark passage with a bright part of the street at the end where a walks woman wearing chador.
# Yazd
A dark road stretching far into a distance. On the right large rock formations that look like cliffs.
# Qeshm Island
Large rocks with a tree in the distance.
# Qeshm Island
A young man rides a motorcycle under archways and between brick walls of the old city.
# Yazd
Woman wearing chador walks on a street. In the distance a wind tower can be seen.
# Yazd
An arch under which a man sits and sings. Other people stand or sit under the same or the next arch.
# Isfahan
Interior of a mosque with prayer rugs on the floors. At the far end there's a bright exit.
# Shiraz
A sand dune one the desert. Mountains in the distance.
# Near Yazd
Sand dune one the desert. Mountains in the distance.
# Near Yazd
A view of a city from a hill. Trail leading up the hill is visible on the bottom.
# Tehran
A wind tower seen behind seemingly old buildings.
# Yazd
A large, white tower surrounded with grass lawns. In front of the tower a man waters the grass.
# Tehran
A night view of a square surrounded with a building with brightly lit arches. Behind that building in the distance there's a dome of a mosque.
# Isfahan