A small city square, with some vintage cars, motorcycles and outdoor restaurant tables. A woman walks across the picture. All that is seen thorough a church window silhouette.
# I had to wait for good 20 minutes inside of an old church, before she finally came along, exactly where I wanted her. And in the end I never saw the whole church itself. Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay.
A mountain in the distance covered with snow. In front a glacier. Sky is full of white clouds.
# Perito Moreno glacier with the Andes far away. Shot from a boat on my way to an ice trek adveture on a side of the glacier.
A glacier and a mountain in a distance.
# Perito Moreno glacier. A bit over 14,000 kilometers from home.
Three people fixing an old car. A large garden umbrella shades them from the sun.
# Old town in Montevideo. Walking distance from the major tourist attractions - and much more interesting. Yet somehow I was the only tourist there that day.
Two people crossing a street.
# Old, colonial city of Salta, Argentina. Rather small, but very nice to walk around. One particularly interesting place is the Museum of High Altitude Archaelogy, where stunningly well preserved remains of the Children of Llullaillaco can be seen. These are Indian mummies from around 500 years ago, buried high in the Andes and discovered as late as in 1999.
A waterfall.
# Brasilian view of the Devil's Throat at Iguazu Falls - waterfalls sometimes called 'Niagara on Viagra'. Well over 70 billion liters of water flows through this area every single day. Urban legend says Eleanor Roosevelt, when saw this place, said 'poor Niagara'.
A waterfall.
# Brasilian side of Devil's Throat.
A store's closed roller door, with open, smaller regular doors within them. A young man works inside.
# Store is opening at around 3 in the afternoon. That's because anything earlier than that is unbearably hot. Cordoba, Argentina.
A semi-dark room with balcony doors open. On the balcony there are three people.
# Hostel inside of an old, colonial building, with ceilings at least 4 meters high. Lovely, but with one major drawback - no AC. It was well over 30 degrees Celcius outside and I slept in a room with 6+ more people...
Two tall apartment buildings seen through a steel construction.
# Puerto Madero district, Buenos Aires. Folks from that city, thousands upon thousands of them, are strolling, running, playing and having a good time each weekend in that district.
Three people (two females, one male) walking in a single file on a sidewalk.
# 1... 2... 3... - Salta, Argentina.
A large, colonial building with a bell tower.
# Old town house at Plaza 9 de Julio, Salta's central square. Just few meters from here I learned that whenever you want to pay with card, you should check whether there is a card reader in a store. Often, in Argentinian supermercados, clerk has to manually type in your card number, expiration date and your name into the cash register. That takes a lot of time!
Two men sitting on the opposite side of the cafe entrance.
# First time ever I gave anyone money for the permission to photograph. Still not sure I should've done that.
A view of an apartment shot through a window with no glass. In the first room, there are scary masks (e.g. a skull). A young girls is laying in a large armchair in the second, distant room.
# There's a lot of weird stuff going on here, none of which I can explain. I've seen this scene via a window (with no glass) somewhere in the Montevideo's old town.
Two buses, one on each side of the photograph. In between passengers are waiting for their luggage to be loaded into one of the buses.
# On my way from Salta to Cordoba, after few hours in the bus, it came to a sudden stop and everyone left. Nobody spoke English, and I, with all my 50 Spanish words, couldn't understand a thing. We ended up changing buses, for a reason still unknown to me. I've taken this photograph while standing between both buses, making sure my bagpack ends up in the same car I do.
A rocky mountain partly covered in snow and fog.
# On one of the trails that begins in El Chalten, in the southern part of Patagonia.
A curvy, sloppy road.
# Somewhere on Ruta 52, on the way to Salinas Grandes.
A blurred view of a waterfall.
# Iguazu Falls.
Several folks hanging around in a building shadow on a hot day.
# La Defensa street, Buenos Aires. Folow it to the north, and you'll end up at Casa Rosada - presidential palace where famous balcony scene from the 'Evita' movie has taken place.
Two motorboats with a seemingly nude couple in one of them.
# They seem to enjoy a very nice morning. Colonia del Sacramento.
A small boy sitting on a toy truck, petting a dog.
# Friend I've met somewhere in Quebrada de Humahuaca. I knew just enough Spanish words to have a short conversation.
A young child squatting in the open door.
# Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay.
A young girl sitting on the stairs, holding a doll.
# Old town, Montevideo.
A village with a huge mountain in the background.
# Maimara village in Quebrada de Humahuaca.
A rocky mountain, with some snow up top and some grass lower.
# Mountains around El Chalten.
Several small waterfalls producing a rainbow.
# Rainbow, Iguazu Falls (Argentinian side).
A waterfall in a forest and bushes, seen from the above.
# Argentinian side of Iguazu Falls.
A glacier and mountains in a distance, partly obscured by a leafless tree.
# Perito Moreno glacier and the Andes.
An snowy, cold mountain in the distance obscured by warm-colored rocks.
# Perito Moreno.
Two separate groups of people ice walking on a glacier.
# Ice walking on the Perito Moreno glacier.
A dark-blue cat with big yellow eyes, sitting in open bright-blue doors.
# Cat, despite being afraid of me, gathered enough courage to peek outside, granting me an opportunity to capture this photograph. Old town, Montevideo.
An apartment windows with some laundry, AC unit and a cat sitting on a window sill.
# Inside of the Palacio Salvo, Montevideo, Uruguay.
A majestic building photographed from a low vantage point upwards, with a green dome visible.
# Palacio del Congreso, Buenos Aires. Nearby, 60 years before me, Tony Halik, famous Polish traveler, embarked upon his 180k+ kilometer long journey across both Americas.
A glass wall with visible reflection from other buildings nearby.
# Buenos Aires.
A glass wall with visible reflection from a building nearby.
# Cordoba.
A huge and old apartment building with tens of AC units mounted in random places.
# Apartment building at Plaza Independencia. AC is a must. Montevideo, Uruguay.
A waterfall.
# Iguazu Falls.
Five people talking in a shadow, seen through a construction fence.
# Buenos Aires.
A building made of colorful, steel plates.
# La Boca, colorful, pretty and... way over-hyped. Buenos Aires.
An old car with a bush growing inside.
# Colonia del Sacramento is filled with old, vintage cars. This one serves as an eye-catcher to attract tourists to a nearby restaurant.
An old building with a lantern and pretty street name signs.
# Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay.
Old blue car parked in front of a green house with brown doors.
# One of the villages in Quebrada de Humahuaca.
Interior of a crypt with a coffin, a cross and a figure of Christ.
# La Recoleta Cementery, Buenos Aires. Somewhere around here Evita rests in peace.
An Argentinian flag on a salt flat on a backdrop of a deep blue sky.
# Salinas Grandes, north of Salta.
A cathedral.
# Cathedral in Cordoba.